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  1. Popularautopr.com (page or website) (“PopularAutoPR”), is solely a research and communication platform. Popular Auto is not a participating motor vehicle seller, distributor or car dealership (“Dealer”), broker, agent or representative of vehicles for Dealers, or a supplier, broker or agent of other products or services related to the automotive industry offered by third parties. Popular Auto does not receive a fee from participating Dealers or third-party service providers in connection with this platform.
  1. All participating Dealers are duly licensed motor vehicle dealers.
  1. Unless otherwise noted, all vehicles displayed on this website are for sale through authorized motor vehicle dealers and not by Popular Auto.
  1. By using “PopularAutoPR”, you acknowledge and accept that, with respect to new vehicles, the Dealer may not have in inventory the exact color or model of the vehicle featured on PopularAutoPR, and/or that certain models or colors may not be available. You must confirm with the Dealer the availability of the vehicle. Each Dealer establishes and controls the price of the vehicle offered and available for sale. If you are interested in negotiating the purchase price presented by the Dealer in 'PopularAutoPR', you must do so directly with the Dealer. Popular Auto has no involvement in this negotiation.
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  1. Prices and offers are provided exclusively by the Dealers and are subject to change.